Friday, October 8, 2010

The View From a Bed

I was recently put to bed
By my misbehaving heart
And doctors, nurses rushed about me
Asked me questions
And on they went
Parading by my bed
Stopping for a moment
To poke
Stopping to administer
Feed and water
And moving on again

But there were some
A very few
Who stopped to talk
And laugh, even just a little
Who reminded me
That I am a person
As real as they are
And I could see them
In my mind’s eye
At home, in their car,
In love, afraid,
Weary, brave, and laughing
Just like me.

My frustrations
Melt away as I see the hands
Of another human
Not a doctor,
Not a nurse,
A human being, much braver than I
Here with me
And my misbehaving heart.

Naomi G. Martinez-Goldstick
Dedicated to
Melissa and Brent (CRMC)
Josh and Dr. Tendler (SWEP Clinic)
October 8, 2010