Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Do I believe what I say?

Today we as writers are called to believe what we say about ourselves. I can declare to the world that I am a writer, but this will not be a reality if I do not wholly believe it. And how do I judge what I believe? God tells us in the Bible it is where our heart lies, where our time is spent.


But often what stops me is not lack of belief in the fact that I should write, that I was created this way, with words clanging around inside my head, an insatiable need to devour words and use them to show you how I see the world.

The thing that stops me is fear. Fear that I don't have what it takes, that it won't "work" - whatever that means. That no one really wants to hear what I have to say. Even with proof that sits right in front of me.

When my kids are faced with mean kids saying mean things, I tell them - "Believe the truth that is here, with people who love you and know you rather than the lies of 10 year olds." But do I take my own advice?

It is so easy to listen to the world, isn't it? To feed the scary monsters that live under the bed. Well, it's time to starve those monsters and feed my soul instead, the good food of the Truth that He Who created a good work in me is faithful to complete it.

Tomorrow? Up early and write for two hours. *sigh* .......

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