Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Great Writers Start Ugly - day 7

Jeff Goins urges us today to just write, and not be afraid of the ugly first draft. So, I decided to test myself and wrote a poem on his blog this morning.

Here goes Ugly, composed on the spot:

There it is
the door
tall and narrow
surely I will never fit
surely I am not strong enough

I can't quite read the sign
held up by shiny tape
orange letters
or maybe
I can't quite believe them

I stand, hand poised

If I open it, I might fail
and that shakes me
If I open it, I might succeed
And that thought,
that kernel of hope
frightens me more

But here, on this side, I am only half me.
I need to see the whole
at least to know
beyond shadow
beyond doubt
that I exist,
even in failure,
in success.

I try the door
and to my wonder,
it swings freely


the only strength needed
is here
here in my heart.

Naomi G. Martinez-Goldstick

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